You finally did it. You stained the floor, table, or whatever piece of furniture you were working on, and now you are (im)patiently waiting.
If you are wondering how long to let stain dry before polyurethane, it shows that you are wise beyond your years (you know that you have to seal wood after stain), or like many of us in the past, just made a colossal mistake. Gulp!
In this article, you will learn:
- How much time stain needs to dry
- Things that can make stain dry slower or faster
- What type of polyurethane to use on stains
- What to do when stain doesn’t dry
How Long to Let Stain Dry Before Polyurethane?
In general, you should wait between 24-48 hours for the stain to dry before polyurethane. If you don’t want to take any chances or think the stain might not be dry enough, wait an extra day before applying poly.
How long to wait before applying polyurethane over stain depends on many factors, including the type of stain and the manufacturer.
How Long Does Stain Take To Dry
It usually takes between 1 to 3 days for the stain to dry. It takes 24 hours for a Lacquer-based product like Minwax Wood Finish to dry completely. But other stains can take as long or longer depending on their drying properties.
The type of wood and its condition will determine how long the stain needs to dry before you can apply another coat or varnish on top. The amount of stain used and whether you’re outdoors in direct sunlight also matter.
Surfaces like floors can usually wait overnight for a solid color. However, it will be more difficult with lighter colors such as pastels which require at least 12 hours.
For now, let’s find out how long does oil and water-based stains take to dry.
How Long to Let Water-Based Stains Dry Before Polyurethane
Water-based stains are usually dry between 1-2 hours and ready for the first coat of polyurethane in 3 hours. However, it can take considerably longer to dry if the weather or application conditions are not right.
Different colored stains also dry at different speeds, but this only delays it by an hour or two.
Related: Do you have to sand between coats of polyurethane?
How Long to Let Oil-Based Stains Dry Before Polyurethane
Oil-based stains take anywhere from 6 hours to 24 hours to dry, but that is usually when the weather is unfavorable. Under normal circumstances, the stain should be dry and ready for polyurethane in 8 hours.
I should mention that this strongly depends on the brand and the product specifications. Therefore, it is safer to give it more time to dry. After all, you can still apply polyurethane on the stain even if it has been a few days.
Read: Can you use water-based polyurethane over oil-based stain?
Why is the Stain Taking too Long to Dry?
How long does it take for stain to dry?
Of all the products you can apply on wood, stains have some of the quickest drying times. However, there are times when stains seem like they are taking forever to dry.
Just like with paints, varnishes, and polyurethanes, certain conditions need to be met for stains to dry quickly.
Some of the most common staining problems that delay stain dry time before poly include:
1. Ventilation
Here is a slightly annoying one. When you are applying stains and other coverings on wood, it is good practice to keep the windows shut so that dust doesn’t enter. However, given the strong odors from some products, especially oil-based products, you should leave the windows open.
You also need adequate ventilation for the stain to dry on time. When you do so, there is the risk that dust, insects, or inquisitive squirrels might sneak into your home and ruin the job.
If the time given for the product to dry has elapsed, then you have to let the fresh air in. You should also use a fan, if you have one, to speed up the process.
2. The Temperature
The ideal temperature for stain to dry is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This doesn’t mean that it won’t dry if it’s not around that temperature; it just means that the drying time and quality will be affected. If the temperature is higher, it’ll obviously dry faster and vice versa.
Stains dry particularly slowly in temperatures in the mid-50s and below. Consequently, manufacturers like Minwax state that you shouldn’t apply stains when the temperature is that low.
As for high temperatures, the outer surface will dry really quickly, but the inner coats may not. The stain will begin to crack when that happens, and you will need to strip it and start all over.
Here is a more detailed guide on how to make wood stain dry faster.
3. Humidity
This is another catch-22 situation. When the air is too humid, it will slow down the drying time. That is because the moisture in the air will be absorbed into the stain, making it wetter for longer.
This can be annoying because it tends to be more humid during summer, which is when the temperature conditions are ideal for applying stains and other woodworking coats.
So, you should apply stains in warm weather, but you can’t because of the humidity?
The simple solution is to get a dehumidifier to help control the moisture level. Even though the dehumidifier will make the room cooler, it won’t be cold enough to stop the stain from drying.
If the problem you are facing is too little humidity, this will also affect how well the stain dries; the same way low humidity makes our skin crack. In this instance, the solution is to get a humidifier.
You probably need these devices in your home anyway, so this shouldn’t add to the project’s cost. But if you don’t want to buy these gadgets, wait for better weather conditions. Here is how long for stain to dry before rain.
4. The Thickness of the Coat
The rule when applying stains and polys is always to use thin coats. Thin coats dry faster and more evenly. They are also easier to correct for mistakes.
When the coat is too thick, the stain will take considerably longer to dry. You need to be patient and not try to enhance it using a blow-dryer, or the inner coat might cake.
Read: What stain looks best on pine?
5. The Brand
This is arguably the most important factor. Depending on the brand and specific product you buy, you could either wait a couple of hours before you can apply polyurethane, as is the case with Minwax and General Finishes.
On the other hand, you may have to wait a few days, which is how long it takes Behr stains to cure.
Every brand provides optimal conditions for applying its stains. If you want the best result, follow their instructions.
6. Interior or Exterior
Indoor and outdoor projects have varying drying times. Indoor projects generally dry faster than outdoor projects because indoor projects are in controllable environments.
Outdoor projects are at the mercy of the elements, with rain, snow, dew, and other factors affecting them.
However, when the weather is perfect, outdoor projects such as staining pressure-treated lumber will be much faster.
See the best stain for pressure-treated wood reviews.
7. Color
Finally, the color of the stain can also affect how quickly it dries. Some colors add as much as two more hours to how long it takes the stain to dry.
However, this shouldn’t be a deciding factor or a problem, as it is more important to get the right stain color than to save a few hours in drying time.
Here are some questions regarding how long does stain take to dry before poly.
How do You Know When a Stain is Dry?
When water-based polyurethane is dry, it no longer feels cool to the touch. If you are not sure if it is dry all the way through, lightly sand an inconspicuous part of the surface. If a powder emerges, then it is dry.
On the other hand, oil-based polyurethane is dry when it is no longer tacky and doesn’t smell.
But how soon can you walk on your freshly stained deck? Well, deck stains need at least 24 hours to dry before it’s safe for walking on, and the longer you can wait, the better. If your deck is heated by a wood stove or other radiant heat source, allow up to 48 hours before walking on it.
What happens if you apply polyurethane before stain is dry
The Poly won’t adhere properly. You may want to apply polyurethane on wet stains, but it’s important that you wait until the surface has completely dried out. For poly to do its job effectively and reliably, wait patiently until the stain dries for proper adhesion.
What Happens if you Put too Much Stain on Wood?
If you put too much stain on wood, it will take too long to dry, or it may not even dry at all. You need to wipe off excess wood stain before it begins to solidify.
The stain will take slightly longer to dry when you put too many coats of stain on the wood.
How Many Coats of Stain Should I Use?
On average, you only need two coats of stain to get the right effect on wood. Most manufacturers suggest that you will still get superb color even with one coat, so it depends on you and what you want to achieve.
Once the first coat is dry, you can apply the second coat. However, don’t wait for a day or more as you would before applying polyurethane. The sooner you can finish the coats, the better.
See Also:
Will Tacky Stain Eventually Dry?
Tacky stains are not uncommon, and they usually dry. However, If the stain is still tacky after half a day, it’s a lost cause; it won’t dry. Remove the stain, sand the wood and apply again.
Stains become tacky when the user doesn’t wipe off the excess. You should never apply polyurethane on a tacky surface, or both things will be ruined, and you would have to start all over, which can be very discouraging.
Interesting Read: How do you make wood stain darker?
Can You put Water-Based Polyurethane on an Oil-Based Stain?
In short, can you stain over stained wood? Yes, you can. In fact, you can also put oil-based polyurethane over the water-based stain. As long as the stain has dried and cured, you can put any type of polyurethane on top of it. Of course, you would need to sand the surface as usual and apply the polyurethane as you would.
How Long Does it Take Stain to Dry
How long to wait between stain and polyurethane depends on choosing the right stain to bring out the color or contrast in wood. It takes a keen eye and a mind for interior decoration to get it right, so it would be a shame to waste it all by applying polyurethane too soon.
If ever you are in doubt and don’t know how long to let stain dry before polyurethane, wait at least 48 hours. As long as the conditions we listed above are conducive, you can expect the stain to be thoroughly dry by then.
Once it is dry, you are faced with a new challenge – how to apply poly without bubbles.
Well written
I made furniture for many years so I know stains and oils…but since my pieces were solid hardwood and made for the outdoors, I rarely used polyurethane.
QUESTION: I know what you wrote about tacky stains and poly…but I must ask.
I have a huge, 3′ diameter mohaghany solid wood bowl, that had quite a bit of splitting and therefore needed repairs. I used (some epoxy), and Zar, red oak, wood filler, BUT when I applied my (oil based) stains, it would not take or hold the stain, and so the repaired / filled areas, stayed whiteish, and were a terrible contrast. (I was unaware of stainable filler…)
I saw online a guy who suggested using the thick stain (goop) from the bottom of the stain can, and a Q tip, to darken those kind of areas.
That worked pretty well, and though I could not wipe it all of, (or the white would again show), I smoothed it some and wiped off the excess…BUT…it is a bit tacky after 24 hours and I am pretty much going to have to use poly or some other sealer, and I am hoping that you can tell me that although not optimal, the poly would actually stick to the tacky parts. Or suggest other sealer ideas? Mohaghany does not seal with stain alone, and so it looks dried out in spots, but once sealed, it will look great..)
I’m sorry for these troubles. First, I can’t imagine a standard epoxy is porous enough to hold stain. I believe Minwax does make an epoxy-based wood filler that does, though.
All wood filler stains lighter than actual wood. I wonder if you cut out a V and filled it with actual mahogany wood. If so, use water to swell the wood. After drying, sand and finish.
From my experience, “stainable” wood filler is not at all stainable. It isn’t much better than what is labeled plain wood filler.
Wise beyond your YEARS, David.
Thanks so much for pointing that out S!