You don’t need to buy expensive paint thinner or store the stain leftovers that you won’t use again.
Neither should you throw the paint and stain cans in the trash. If you want to be environmentally friendly, there is a way to dispose of them.
Sure, paint and wood stains are hazardous to the environment and human body, but disposing of them doesn’t have to be complicated. In this post, I will show you some quick and easy ways how to dispose of wood stain and paint.
What to Do Before Disposing of Wood Stain and Paint
Most jurisdictions classify various ingredients in wood stains and paints as hazardous substances. Such materials require safe and careful disposal to keep them from harming the environment.
You don’t have to know these procedures off the top of your head, so here is a little help on what to do.
Check the label to establish the ingredients in your product
Every paint container indicates a list of all the ingredients in the product. You will want to check these out to know what you are dealing with. From there, you can tell whether you can or can’t recycle the product.
From the label, you will also know when the stain is set to expire.
Does wood stain go bad after sitting around too long? Read to find out!
Now, how you dispose of the wood stain or paint will depend on whether the product is expired or still in good condition.
Contact your local waste management department for directions
Waste departments are in every major city. However, some of the community and state laws regarding waste management may vary from one city or state to another, so it helps to contact the authorities and get some clarity from them.
You should find their contact number on their website; use this to call them up and get the answers you need. They should also guide you on how to dispose of wood stain and paint according to your local regulations.
All you need to do is follow the instructions they give you.
How to Dispose of Wood Stain and Paint by Yourself
Suppose you fail to get hold of the authorities, you can still safely dispose of your wood stain, paints, and paint rags in large quantity.
Here are the different options available for you.
1. Dry it out and throw it in the garbage
You can dispose of dry latex paint, oil-based paint, water-based paint, and wood stains in the garbage disposal area or your town’s composting site. However, it is important first to get the product dry.
Wood stains, latex, water-based and oil-based paints are only hazardous while they are in liquid form. So if you have used up wood stain or paint, don’t throw the containers into the garbage.
The product should be dry in a few days before you can dispose of the container this way.
Here are the different ways to dry the product faster.
– Air-dry the paint
You can dry your latex or oil-based paint if you have time by removing the lid and leaving it to dry naturally. This way, the paint will solidify and become safe to dispose of. In addition, leftover wood stains will evaporate and allow you to throw the dry can in the garbage.
Ensure you keep the item out of reach of children or playful pets. This natural drying process should work best if only an inch or less leftover paint is in the container.
– Speed up the drying process with cat litter
Air drying may be impractical if you have larger amounts of paints or wood stain to dispose of. Instead, you will need something to speed up the drying and solidifying process.
Consider adding an absorbent material such as clay cat litter, sawdust, cement, or shredded paper. The cat litter will soak up the paint solvents and let the paint or stain dry up. This way, the product should be dry within 10 minutes.
You can then dispose of the dry container in the garbage for pick-up.
– Use commercial paint hardener
The other quick method for drying up large amounts of wood stains and paint is to mix them with a commercial hardener. You can get a paint wood hardener in your local hardware store or from an online shop.
Be sure to read the label for instructions on how to use the product. The solid waste paint wood hardener will solidify the paint in a few hours. Afterward, you can throw away the can in your waste disposal site.
– Soak up the paint or stain with a bunch of newspapers
You could brush the stain or paint layers on a newspaper or cardboard to speed up its drying. This serves to increase the surface area of the paint, allowing it to solidify quicker.
Just soak the wood stain or oil-based paint in the container. Then, turn the papers around in the can to cover them up with the product. Doing this will also help increase the surface area of the paint or stain and make it dry or evaporate faster.
Once dry, you can then throw the can and the used papers in the trash. This may be a slower process, but it works.
2. Donate it
When you have large amounts of leftover paint or wood stain, find a project to use it on. If you have no desire for that, give the product to someone.
People are constantly renovating their homes or garages and may need the product you wish to throw away. If you can’t locate anyone in your neighborhood who could use the product, consider giving it to a local service club, nonprofit organization.
Today, there’re several such organizations where you can drop off the product without a hassle. You don’t even have to drive up there yourself; you can contact them, and they will come and collect the product from your home. Organizations and people in need will collect them there for free.
3. Drop it off at a hazardous waste collection facility
During your preliminary activity, where you read the label and check the product’s expiry, you may realize it is no longer usable. In such a case, drop off your wood stain, oil-based, or latex paint at a hazardous waste collection facility.
Every city has one or more of these—with laid-out procedures for handling each hazardous waste. Once you bring the product to the hazardous waste collection site, your work is done. They will do the rest.
4. Hang used rags in a safe area in your home to dry, then keep them in an airtight container
Rags soaked in wood stains and paint can combust in the air. Some of the materials used in these home improvement products are highly flammable and will transfer that property to all the rags.
Once dry, they are no longer highly flammable. So ensure you hang the paint rags somewhere in your home such as paint recycling area where they can dry. It should be somewhere they don’t risk catching a flame.
Once dry, tuck them in an airtight metal container and seal them. You can then bring them to a hazardous waste collection site such as Evergreen Junk Removal or throw them in the trash for pick-up.
Dos and Don’ts of Wood Stain and Paint Disposal
The dos
- DO store wood stain and paint cans in a safe manner before pick-up
- DO follow all the safety guidelines by your local waste management department when disposing of wood stain, paint, and used rags.
The don’ts
- DON’T dump wet wood stain, paint cans and used rags in the trash.
- DON’T pour wood stains and paint into a drain. The product may contain high voc (volatile organic compound) which can damage your pipes and contaminate the water supply.
- DON’T pour wood paints and oil-based stain into the ground. Such products can contaminate the soil.
- DON’T let wood stick for long on your body. Clean the wood stain from your skin immediately. Here’s how to get oil-based stain off skin
Can wood stains be thrown away?
Wood stains contain hazardous chemicals, so you can’t throw them away like regular trash. Instead, consider contacting your local waste management department or environmental protection agency to find out what to do with wood stains in your country or where to take stains for recycling.
What can you do with old wood stain?
Contact your local Habitat for Humanity branch, community theater group, or other organizations that collect old wood stains for recycling. Find out their working hours, then drop off the old stain at their stations during their open hours.
How do you properly dispose of rags with wood stain?
Gather the stain-soaked rags and lay them over metal hangers or the edge of a metal trash can to dry. Once they are dry and stiff, place them inside a garbage bag for safe disposal.
Final Verdict
With these helpful tips on how to dispose of wood stains and paint correctly, you can safely get rid of unwanted materials without harming the environment or human beings.
In summary, the best way to dispose of wood stain and paint is by checking with your local household hazardous waste facility.
They will guide you through, answer any questions, and ensure safe disposal. If they lack appropriate equipment or expertise, call an expert in hazardous material management than trying on your own.
We hope this guide helps you eliminate your stain-soaked rags, leftover wood stain, and paint. Now read our article “Can you put wood in the recycle bin?” to know more about ways of disposing wood.