Lemon oil is one of the best solutions for wood surfaces. The lemon-oil combination can polish, condition, and nourish the wood.

Its effective use on a majority of wood, including oiled wood, natural oak wood surface, or teak, is praised.  Using this great finish elongates the lifespan of any wood project, leaving it shiny and durable.

What is Lemon Oil?

Lemon oil is an essential oil extracted from a lemon’s skin. Typically, lemon oil offers solutions for skincare needs. It is the major ingredient in a number of skin and aromatherapy products. It is also known as a home remedy for anxiety and mental stimulation.

Now, this oil has been found to be one of the best wood-finishing oils oils on the market. Lemon oil wood polish has received raving reviews from woodworkers and homeowners.

Choosing the perfect wood finish can be difficult. No need to worry! This ultimate guide has all the need-to-knows and reasons why using lemon oil for wood surfaces is the best decision you could ever make.

What are the Effects of Lemon Oil on Wood

Lemon oil for wood protects the wood’s surface by keeping moisture away and preventing it from cracking or drying out. The essential oil replenishes the oils in the wood. that remain after being newly cut, maintaining its natural beauty.

Additionally, lemon essence oils can be used for cleaning stains from unfinished wood surfaces and finished wood as well. But that’s not all; lemon oil also exudes an amazing fragrance of lemons.

But how exactly does lemon oil accomplish all these?

As time passes, wood typically uses its own natural oils to stay fresh and avoid drying up. However, when wood surfaces get too dry, it tends to crack.

This process particularly happens in old wooden pieces. To remedy this effect of time, you can use lemon essential oil to revitalize the wood and replenish the remaining oils.

This will give the wooden piece a fresh and exquisite look. This way, the wood surface strengthens its durability. This prevents it from drying up completely.

The effects of this essential oil go beyond that; it can also be used as a cleaning agent. Lemon oil wood has a cleaning effect compared to all the other oil finishes on the market. Naturally, lemon is considered one of the best cleaning agents.

The citric acid in lemon eliminates dirt build-up from surfaces, wood furniture, and household items. It consists of the lemon ingredient that contributes to the cleaning properties.

What you need to note, however, is that lemon oil is seldom used by itself. The oil is often paired with a lemon oil wood polish and a conditioner.

This is because, on its own, the oil is a very light substance that does not dry into a film when applied to wood surfaces. Wood finishes that contain lemon essence oils always contain additives.

So it’s only advisable not to use it to protect your wooden surfaces by itself. This will protect your wood surfaces from mild moisture. However, it will not be as effective towards other elements.

How to Use Lemon Oil on Wood

When choosing the perfect finish for wood, it’s essential to realize that its effectiveness will depend on the process of applying it to the wood. If done appropriately, the finish will last much longer.

The same applies when using lemon oil. It is important to note that the best lemon essential oil solutions don’t contain wax or added preservatives.

Prepare a lemon oil mixture

You can also prepare your own lemon essence oils using lemon and cold-pressed olive oil. Begin by grating the outside of the lemon over a bowl and placing the grated lemon zest into a glass bottle.

You can then fill the rest of the bottle with olive oil. Once that is done, you can place the bottle in a position where it can get direct sunlight.

Leave the solution for a few days, occasionally shaking the bottle during the day. Be sure to store the lemon oil at room temperature and in an airtight container.

Dust the surface

Using a soft cloth or a feather duster, dust the dirt and elements away from the surface of your wood furniture. If the furniture is covered in thick layers of cobwebs or dust, vacuum it away to get rid of any debris.

Wipe the furniture

Once you’ve dusted the wood surface using a soft cloth, spray Howard lemon oil or drop your lemon oil solution on a soft, lint-free cloth and then apply it to the wooden surface.

Be sure to follow the wood grain while doing this. You can add more lemon oil to a cloth or use a spray bottle. Finally, wipe the furniture’s surface until it’s covered and clean.

Let the Lemon oil mixture dry

Let the layer of oil film dry before applying a protective finish to your furniture. It’s essential to note that not all finished wood surfaces require a protective finish.

How to Repair Watermarks with Lemon Oil

Watermarks are mild stains that occur when water comes into contact with wood furniture. Getting rid of watermarks can be simple, especially if the water damage occurred recently and the moisture has not fully settled onto the wood grain.

In this particular scenario, natural lemon oil made from compressing lemon rinds offers youtube the best chance of clearing the water stains for good.

There are two types of watermarks; white watermarks and black watermarks. White water marks mostly indicate that moisture is trapped in the exterior finish of the wood surface.

On the other hand, dark water marks are older and contain mildew growth. These stains typically appear when light stains are not treated in time and are more difficult to remove.

To clean white water marks on a wood surface, sprinkle a few drops of lemon oil directly on the affected surface area, after which you will need to rub the oil using a 0000 super fine steel wood pad until the stain is abraded.

Once the stain clears, use more lemon oil and a cloth to buff the surface.

Related Post: How to Get Rid of Watermark on Unfinished Wood

Lemon Oil for Wooden Floors

Lemon oil is a great product to use in caring for hardwood flooring. The lemon oil works by cleaning, moisturizing, and restoring the luster to your finished wood surface.

But that’s not all; it also leaves behind a fresh citrus scent in the room. You can treat any scratches and scuff marks on your floor by dipping lemon oil onto a sponge and rubbing them away by hand.

Be sure to do this in a gentle manner to avoid causing damage to the floor. You can also use lemon oil to treat the finished wood surface with a soft cloth or with a sponge mop.

Add a few drops of lemon oil onto the mop and cloth and clean the floor in a straight line. Occasionally repeat this process until you are done treating the entire floor.

In case of very dirty areas, you can combine a floor cleaner and lemon oil to eliminate stubborn dirt while cleaning the surface. You can make this a yearly practice.

However, too much lemon essential oil on your wooden floors will wear the natural beauty of the finish away, making them more vulnerable to damage over time.

When choosing lemon oil for your wooden floors, avoid products with added preservatives or wax.

Which works better? Lemon oil or Orange Oil?

Both orange oil and lemon oil are popularly known to naturally clean and moisturize dry wood. Making a choice between the two will mostly depend on your needs; however, experts agree that orange oil may be the better product for you.

Orange is quite popular in the woodworking market as you can use it on any wood finish. It is also a natural product, lacking the harmful chemicals most cleaners find.

With orange oil, you are sure that nothing will compromise the integrity of your wood’s finish. Additionally, orange oil can also remove tough grease that builds up on kitchen cabinets.

It’s also popularly used to treat wood termite infestation by spraying it directly on the critters.

Pros for Using Lemon Oil on Wood

  • Lemon oil pops up the grain of the wood, enhancing the piece’s beauty.
  • Lemon oil helps protect the wood from getting into contact with moisture.
  • Lemon oil acts as a cleaning agent, removing any dust, stains, or grease build-up from the surface.
  • Revitalizes dried wood by replenishing its natural oils.
  • It leaves behind a fantastic lemon fragrance that uplifts a room.
  • Lemon oil doesn’t cause any negative altercations to the color or appearance of the wood.

Cons for Using Lemon Oil on Wood

  • It needs to be reapplied frequently since it does not dry to a film.
  • Due to the acidic nature of lemon oil, there is a possibility it could remove an older finish of the wood.
  • It is not a suitable product for some types of wood.
  • You should not apply it on antique furniture as it may be too abrasive.

In what other circumstances else can you use lemon oil?

You can use lemon oil to clean guitar fretboards since that section is not coated with a layer of lacquer. Guitar makers avoid using a lacquer finish since it may change the tone of the guitar, altering the overall sound altogether.

Instead, music lovers can use lemon oil to clean this area, condition and revitalize it. Be sure not to use pure lemon oil.

However, just because lemon oil is a good product to use on wood, it doesn’t mean that it’s safe for use on wooden utensils or cutlery. The additives in lemon products are not recommended in kitchens as it is not safe.

Can you use lemon oil on antique furniture?

Lemon oil is a natural cleaning agent that you can use to clean antique furniture and restore its original shine. Antique wood typically refers to the wood with more than 100 years of lifespan.

When choosing a lemon oil product for your antique furniture, consider one that doesn’t contain chemicals or harsh additives. The best alternative is natural oils and waxes. This is because they can effectively replenish the wood.

When using lemon oil as a cleaner on furniture, be sure to use a minimal amount and wipe it immediately using a cloth. This is because lemon oil contains some acidic properties that may be a bit harsh to the wood.

Afterward,  apply a beeswax wood finish and a natural oil to coat the surface of the antique furniture. If the antiques in question are of high value, it would be best to consult a professional to handle the maintenance for you.

Peruse our article discussing the limitations of beeswax finish for a deeper understanding of the topic.


Does one need to oil their wooden furniture?

Yes. Oiling and waxing your wooden surfaces at least once or twice a year is essential. This helps to maintain their durability and longevity.

Is lemon oil safe for wood?

Lemon oil is safe for wood as it restores your wood’s depth and natural beauty. It also protects it from drying out. Additionally, it won’t damage the wood that is being cleaned. Rather, it works as a good polishing, conditioning, and nourishing agent.

How do you make lemon oil for wood furniture?

Making lemon oil for wood requires 2 parts vinegar, 1 part lemon juice, and 2 parts olive oil. After mixing these ingredients, lightly dip the corner of a clear cloth into the mixture and apply it to the wood surfaces.

How long does it take the lemon oil to dry?

The oil takes about 48 minutes to dry on wood surfaces. You will know it’s time when the wood no longer shines in the light.

Does Lemon oil leave a fragrant aroma on the wood furniture?

Lemon oil exudes a fresh lemon fragrance that energizes and uplifts the furniture and room. It is also a good choice when one wants to clear the smell of any unpleasant aromas, such as cigarette smoke.

Will lemon oil damage wood furniture?

The citric acid in lemon is quite abrasive on some surfaces.  However, it’s most likely that lemon oil won’t affect the surface of the wood you apply it to. On the contrary, it helps to polish the wood finishes and brings back the original sheen and luster.

What is the best lemon oil for furniture?

As much as using pure lemon oil is great on wooden surfaces, that may not be the best option for you. One of the best lemon oil products is Weiman Lemon oil. It shines the wood while replenishing its natural look. It also leaves a good lemon aroma.

Can you use lemon oil on unfinished wood?

Yes. However, it is important to note that unfinished wood may absorb more lemon oil compared to a finished surface. Thus you are advised to spray the oil directly on the wood and then wipe it after to remove any excess.

Will lemon change the color or appearance of wood?

No. Instead, lemon oil enhances its look while revitalizing the wood grain. If you find the lemon oil changing the color of wood, it may contain other additives that would cause that.

Where can you buy lemon oil for wood?

You can find lemon oil in wood shops, department stores, or online shopping websites.

Read also: Danish oil on pine wood before and after

Lemon Oil all the Way!

The benefits of using lemon oil are something to keep in mind when making your decision.  Here is to cleaning, conditioning, and revitalizing your wooden pieces.

With lemon oil, you can maintain the beauty of your furniture or wooden floors for a long time to come.

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