From purchasing the right paint color to picking the suitable volume container, covering any surface with lacquer requires some brainstorming.

Whether it’s the hue composition or painting design, randomly selecting any gallon cans is not a wise decision. 

If you’re looking for “How Many Square Feet Does 5 Gallons of Paint Cover?” you’ve to consider the number of coats, trims, and conditions of the painting area. Seems too much? It’ll pay off. Have faith!

By putting much-required efforts into your paint shopping, you’ll only invest your energy in coloring walls and not in store trips. 

But there’s more! Keep reading.

How Many Square Feet Does 5 Gallons of Paint Cover?

One gallon of paint can cover a small room of 300 to 400 square feet. Using the same logic, you can safely say that a five-gallon bucket will conveniently offer 1,500 to 2,000 square feet of coverage.

How Much Paint is Required Per Square Foot?

Usually, one-quarter of paint will be sufficient to cover an area of 90 square footage. So, one gallon will be enough paint for the small size area with 12X12 feet like a bathroom.

In the same way, two-gallon cans can cover an average size room of about 800 square feet. Commonly, this is the most preferred gallon size of paint that people purchase while keeping second coat coverage in mind.

Moreover, you can also paint a typical two-car garage using the same volume. Three gallons of paint will cover 1,200 square feet, enough for multiple small rooms or one large area.

Remember that a room with vaulted ceilings will require you to calculate surplus area in your total square footage. At the same time, you can also cover the wall surface of the exterior of a house with average-sized rooms with a five-gallon canister.

Tips for Measuring the Paint Coverage

While you’re calculating the area for optimum lacquer protection, it’s essential to measure up to the closest foot.

Whether you’re going for the painting jobs of a vaulted ceiling or a cathedral wall surface, you must factor in various aspects to gauge the entire painting costs range.

On top of this, waste quantity should also be a part of the total gallons of paint you’re about to invest in. Here are a few factors that will help you pick the right size can for your painting project.

1. Wall Height

The square footage in the paint estimator requires you to focus on every corner of the wall surface. So, you must measure it from the top of the edge to the bottom floor.

Moreover, you might also want to include the age of your room walls on top of the square feet needed. Essentially, the older the surface, the more it absorbs, and you will need an extra amount for the second coat job.

2. The Perimeter of the Wall

Consider writing on the wall when you have to cover a small room with paint to include the circumference as well.

Take a measuring tape and check the length of each side of the room. Doing this will help you understand the horizontal distance you need to cover for coating the interior walls.

Read also: Best tape measure for carpenters.

3. Length and Width of Ceiling

Unless you have a differently shaped roof, you can measure the width and length of the floor to get the square feet ceiling values.

4. Sloping Ceilings

This will require you to remember your math class for a brief period. Since the sloping ceilings are conical in structure, you need to multiply the wall length by height.

After getting the values, divide them by two to ascertain how many square feet you need to cover.

The Formula for Calculating Paint Coverage

Whether you have a small room like a bathroom or a particular space for the paint job, calculating the square foot requirement can be challenging.

Now, if your house requires a second paint cover, you will waste your time without measuring the requirements without a good paint calculator tip.

Here’s a formula that you can apply to save yourself the visit to the hardware store for more paint.

  • Start with measuring the square footage of the house.
  • Use the Width X Height formula to get an idea about the size of the entire area.
  • Once you’ve measured all the wall surfaces, add them together to get the sq ft values for the entire room.
  • Repeat the process until you have the precise calculations for the entire house.
  • You can divide the overall measurement with coverage per gallon, one per 400 square feet, to get a rough estimate of how much paint you need.

Vital Tools for 5-Gallon Paint Coverage

Painters calculate square footage to analyze how many gallons of coverage they typically require. However, using the right tools determines how much paint you end up using.

Moreover, the flat paint coverage tools depend on the type of walls, details you want, and how many coats you need in your painting project.

Here are the essentials you must have before beginning!

5-gallon paint bucket

Once you’ve decided on ‘how many gallons of paint you need, it’s time to transfer the amount to a bucket. Pouring your 5-gallon can in a bucket helps with quick application and the availability of paint after two coats per square foot.

Paint Sticks

A paint stirrer or stick helps with the easy blending of good quality paint. It also helps bring out your creativity for combining different paint colors together.

Moreover, if your painting project needs thinning of lacquer for the coverage of all the ceilings, a robust stick is a necessity.

Paint Strainer

A paint strainer is a crucial piece of equipment you need for a smooth post coverage wall. Basically, your raw paint might contain impurities that create lumps in the final texture.

To avoid this, running the paint through a strainer helps with an effective application of one gallon of wall enamel.

Paint Sprayer

For high-ceiling painting or multi storey projects, you need a hassle-free way for complete coverage. In these situations, the paint sprayer comes in handy. You can use these to cover the hard-to-reach corners and avoid accidental wastage.

Should You Buy Extra Paint?

Most of the paint estimator analysis is merely to provide the costs for just one coat. Moreover, the type of surfaces also plays a role in deciding how many gallons of paint you need.

For instance, heavily textured walls will demand more paint per square foot application. So, what’s the sweet spot to knowing how much paint per square foot is enough? It’s rounding up with a little more paint than the actual estimate.

It can help you save the hassle of a hardware store visit for an extra coat, but it also ensures that you have as much paint available as you need for touch-ups.


How many rooms will 5 gallons of paint cover?

One gallon of paint typically covers 350 to 400 square feet of area. Using the same calculation, you can safely say that 5 gallons will effectively cover 2,000 square feet or 4 to 5 average size rooms. However, you should keep in mind that this estimate is applicable only for a single round of paint.

How many square feet does a gallon of paint cover?

One gallon of paint covers approximately 350 to 400 square feet of area. So, if you have a room like a bathroom, you can use about two coats to cover the room with one gallon of paint.

How much does 5 gallons of paint cost?

The national average for a good quality paint is between $30 to $50 a gallon of paint. So, you can spend about $150 to $250 on 5 gallons.

How much paint is needed for a 12 x 12 room?

You will require approximately 1.75 gallons of paint for a first-time painting project, but if you’ve already painted the room, one gallon should suffice.

How much paint per square foot?

Most of the paints come in the standard size of quarters. To put it more clearly, one quart of paint will cover up to 90 square feet of area.

How much does a gallon of paint weigh?

The weight of a gallon of paint will vary, depending on the type of paint. For example, a gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds, while a gallon of milk weighs 8.62 pounds. However, a gallon of paint can weigh anywhere from 10 to 14 pounds, depending on the type and brand.


One of the most satisfying experiences includes painting a room or a house from scratch. Not only does it enhance the appeal of the structure, but it also provides an avenue to flaunt your creativity. 

However, you can feel a little exhausted if you haven’t researched “How Many Square Feet Does 5 Gallons of Paint Cover?”. Depending on the project’s total square footage, you can now pick the perfect volume to paint your walls. 

For cost optimization for the required volume, it’s always good to err on the side of caution and carry the surplus paint for the final touch.

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